Application Connectivity Suite

Applications Connectivity Suite integrates your systems for seamless, immediate data movement at both the API and message levels.

It simplifies workflows, reduces manual data entry, and ensures a single source of truth across all applications. Whether bridging legacy systems with modern platforms or optimizing real-time data sharing, this suite brings precision and consistency for efficient connectivity.

eCommerce EDI Messaging System Re-Write

It is a real-time and mission-critical service bus. It is used for exchanging trade transactions in different formats including EDI. It works to exchange trade documents/ Messages among different branded systems (Oracle business suite, SAP, Dynamics,....) as well as customized proprietary systems and ERPs. Our mission was to upgrade the infrastructure of the system, make it highly available, change the messaging platform, and re-write the original C++ code with the latest technologies. The system is re-written with the care of each line of code and is reviewed by our top engineers who have 20+ years of software development experience. The system is used by blue-chip customers.

- Kotlin
- Centos 7+
- Active MQ