Growing Your Profits
Smart Solutions Meet Savvy Business

Here at Kiwi Systems, we get it – your time should be invested in growing your business, not getting bogged down by the nitty-gritty. That’s why we’re passionate about devising smart, practical tech solutions tailored to fit the unique contours of your business landscape. 

Ready to chat about your next big move?

Account Payable Automation

Check our compressive state of the art Account Payable Solution 

Smart Financial Suite

Smart Financial Suite offers a comprehensive, automated approach to managing your finance operations. Streamline accounts payable and receivable, optimize claims processing, and simplify contract management—all that complements your existing ERP. Think of it as the automation of the last mile, enhancing your ERP's financial suite with precise accuracy, reduced manual effort, and clear insights. Improve efficiency and agility while keeping your entire financial workflow connected and seamless.

Sample of projects built for our customers 

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